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08 de Agosto, 2011 · General

Spy cell phone is technology for your Nokia phones

The success of Apple, who managed for four years from no where to fly to the fourth row in the ranking of world producers, can be called fantastic. In fact, to make this a magical breakthrough helped ingenious calculation - a stunning plan to develop the one and only phone. Let's see how it all happened spyware for cell phones.Smartphone Apple iPhone was released in 2007, and is $ 900.
Apple's first mobile phone was greeted kilometer queues and, oddly enough, the negative reviews. To list all its faults is difficult here and no support for MMS-messages, and the inability to transfer files via Bluetooth, and a 2 megapixel camera without video recording support, and lack of support for memory cards.e advantages of the model include a unique (at the time) touch screen, controlled by just a finger, an accelerometer for automatic rotation of images on the screen when you change the orientation of the phone space, and the metal case (which, incidentally, in future versions had to be abandoned).Sometimes it even seems that Apple deliberately went to the deterioration of the characteristics of the first smartphone Apple iPhone, so it was easier for him to improve and develop. Moreover, Apple has cut all the way to fix shortcomings in both mechanical and software in terms of: the phone is not disclosed (in the model did not use a removable battery), and the software did not provide for the possibility of installing a third-party software.Smartphone Apple iPhone 3G was released in 2008, and is worth $ 1,100.Another drawback of the first smartphone Apple iPhone was the lack of support for third-generation networks free cell phone spyCorrect it was designed the second version of the smartphone Apple iPhone, released just a year after the release of the first model, which is eloquent testimony to the model name - 3G. Moreover, at this stage has added support for GPS. Both models were actually collected on the same hardware: they used a Samsung processor 620 MHz frequency (the frequency was limited at 412 MHz) and a chip memory of 128 MB.Smartphone Apple iPhone 3G S was released in 2009, and costs $ 1,200.It is these two aspects, Apple has significantly improved in the next update, which was named Apple iPhone 3G S (S - from the word Speed, speed). The novelty presented in 2009, used a Samsung Cortex A8 processor 833 MHz (the frequency was again limited to 600 MHz) and 256 MB of RAM. Moreover, there was a support network HSDPA (transfer rate - up to 7.2 Mbit / second), digital compass, Bluetooth version 2.1. 3 megapixel camera with video recording and a unique oleofobnoe screen coating that resists fingerprints. In sale version with 16 GB and 32 GB of internal memory and 8 GB version went on sale, oddly enough, in 2010, the same day as the next, a truly revolutionary model in a number of apple phones.Smartphone Apple iPhone 4 was released in 2010, and $ 1,400 worth.Officially, Apple reinvented the phone. For the first time in the mobile world in smartphone Apple iPhone 4 used a colossal display high resolution 960h640 points (326 dpi). The new version of the operating system (which develops in parallel with the phones, and also updated annually) has been implemented Multitasking (at last model the Law on the Apple iPhone smartphone was called) and can create folders with applications mobile spy software.The smartphone Apple iPhone 4 processor platform Apple A4 (Cortex A8), 1 GHz, 512 MB of RAM. There is also a 5 megapixel camera with flash (first time) and the ability to record HD-video in 720p, and even a front camera for making video calls through a special program Face Time (works only for calls from phone Apple iPhone 4 in the phone Apple iPhone 4 and only via Wi-Fi).This revolutionary model, as well as running in the production of the old version with a small amount of internal memory, gave a stunning effect and helped increase sales of phones to Apple almost doubled.Now has sold over 75 million smart phones Apple iPhone. Approximately the same phones, Samsung is selling for a quarter, and Nokia is in the same period - and at a half times more. However, no single model of large-scale producers do not become so iconic and popular as a smart phone cell phone listening device Apple iPhone.What is the secret of the notorious phone? In our opinion, this is - a successful mix of design (including UI), build quality and amazing marketing. And marketing is, perhaps, is put in the first place.
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